Drive trial with FITNESS & HEALTHY LIFESTYLE ENTHUSIASTS at LIFE TIME destinations & events


Get your brand into the hands of affluent, active lifestyle, and endurance sports-minded men and women inside Life Time Destinations, at Life Time Athletic Events, and through Life Time’s endurance sports network. For brands building relationships with healthy lifestyle enthusiasts, Life Time provides premier locations and resources for genuine member engagement. Healthy food, beverage, beauty, body and active lifestyle brands provide perfect pairings for our upscale, affluent Healthy Way of Life destinations. For brands that want to engage with athletes at marathons, triathlons, and other events, we offer Life Time and partnered Athlinks events all year long.

Key Demographics:

  • Fitness enthusiasts 18 – 55, heavily skewed 25 – 44
  • Evenly split male/female
  • Upscale with HH income of more than $150,000


  • 180+ locations in 31 states (plus new facilities opening throughout the year)
  • 3+ million members / 300,000 daily visits / 130+ million annual visits
  • 130 child centers; 110 locations with summer camp programs

Product Sample Distribution:

  • Men’s and Women’s locker rooms / spas, children’s centers, and other touchpoints
  • Special events and athletic competitions
  • Custom signage accompanying samples
  • Dedicated opt-in consumer research

Signage & Consumer Research:

  • Tent cards encouraging members to try your sample.
  • Optional counter card w/tear pad invitation and dedicated consumer depth brand research.

In-Club Life Time TV Media:

  • 15-second spot (static or animated, no sound) aired in continuous 9-minute loop, approx. 160 times per day per screen (2 – 4 screens per club); 5.7MM impressions
  • $40,000 media package, discounted under 1MM samples (free 1MM+)

View and Download this program brief here.