Forge relationships with FITNESS ENTHUSIASTS at HIGH INTENSITY cross-training gyms nationwide


Cross-training is an immensely popular fitness regimen, known as the “Boutique Boom” in the fitness industry. High intensity and often competitive, cross-training gyms are workout communities of people sharing common interests and goals. CoOptions developed its Cross-Training Gym Sampling Network of more than 14,000 individual locations of popular cross-training franchises including CrossFit®, Orangetheory®, Fit Body Boot Camp®, Crunch Fitness®, Burn Boot Camp®, and others, to provide a conduit for brands to tap this powerful on-trend lifestyle of empowered fitness enthusiasts.

CrossTraining is a workout regimen / routine that involves several different types of exercise that work multiple muscle groups, improves agility, and makes it easier to participate in a variety of recreational sports. The goal is improving overall performance and takes advantage of the particular effectiveness of one training method to negate the shortcomings of another. Our Cross-Training Gym Network™ focuses on gyms that appeal to cross-training gym members that seek a more intense, elevated experience, many of which active in participatory sports.


  • Fitness enthusiasts 18 – 55, heavily skewed 25 – 34
  • Evenly split male / female
  • Upscale, more than half with family HH income of more than $150,000


  • 14,000+ gyms nationwide
  • Average of 200 members / gym
  • Multiple cross-training brands and locations in our expanded network
  • Ability to target only women in gyms with Women’s Fitness Network™

Product Sample Distribution:

  • Hand-distributed at check-in or after session and display / product location in main area

Signage & Consumer Research Included:

  • Counter tent cards to encourage members to try your sample and tell brand narrative
  • Optional dedicated consumer core and conversion dual research
  • Optional counter easel card w/ tear pad or QR code for survey

View and Download this program brief here.